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Penilopee LaRosa always says, "The richest place in the world is a grave yard, full of buried ideas that could have changed the world." A strong Christian, her motto is, "If you don't know, pray.  Between God & the internet, there is no reason why you can't pursue the idea or dream in your heart."


Penilopee LaRosa was not intending to invent the next hot beauty product when she came up with Skinnies Instant Lifts.  They say the thing that bothers you the most will point you toward your calling and the cellulite on her legs was definitely on her hate list.  Injured just before giving birth, she couldn't exercise because of a damaged hip.  As she entered into her 40's, the skin on her legs became saggy and covered in cellulite.  So no matter the temperature outside, when everyone else was in shorts, she was the one in Capri pants.  She tried all the creams and home remedies with no success.  Until one day Penilopee noticed if she lifted the skin on her legs just a tiny bit, it made the cellulite go away.  So, she went for the duct tape.  It actually kind of worked.  It just shredded her skin when she took it off.  She spent the next year working with leading  adhesive scientists developing the perfect combination of skin tape that lifts and holds the skin all day but doesn't hurt when its removed.  After that, she developed specific  sizes and formulas for 8 different body parts, giving us the full line of Skinnies Instant Lifts we have today. 

Most product ideas are successful because they solve a common problem.  When Penilopee discovered one side of her face was aging faster than the other, she determined this was from constantly sleeping on that side.  This is why we now have Smooth Sleepers.  She discovered that by keeping your skin flat at night, you not only prevent new wrinkles from developing, you also flatten the wrinkles you have.  This simple and effective trick works extremely fast and is loved by many faithful customers.

Emergency Readers came when Penilopee's husband was always finding himself without reading glasses when he needed them most.  So, she came up with a design to fold readers in half in a flat position so that he could carry them around in his wallet and never be without them again.

Baby Sleeps Safe was an answer to prayer.  When their child was just  a few months old, he would flip to his stomach in his sleep, but couldn't flip back over. They found him in a face down position several times and were concerned he would suffocate. The only thing available to keep babies from rolling over were side cushions.  Unfortunately, he would scoot out of them and roll over anyway.  After being up night after night for several weeks, Penilopee prayed for a solution.  One night, she had a dream of how to design an outfit that would allow babies to sleep on their back and roll from side to side, but not give them enough room to roll to their stomach.    This product has been a huge blessing to many relieved parents who have shared the same concern. 


These products are patented, trademarked  and owned by LaRosa Innovations, LLC located in Tampa, Florida.

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